… Seeing Diane is refreshing and freeing as she seems to work in such a different way: trusting the universe and her intuition rather than rules and rationality….With most people this would be too much for me but there is something down to earth about Diane that allows me to be curious about and interested in her perceptions rather than just writing them off. I have actually began to prefer the spirit and energy work that we do together to the NLP based techniques which are more familiar to me (and which Diane weaves into her shamanistic work).
A by-product of my work with Diane is that it has helped open me up to feeling and using energy in my psychotherapeutic work and even to begin to get a sense for communicating with other spirits.
Diane is a warm, friendly, giving, grounded and aware person who will bring all of her resources to bear in service of others. If you are open to working spiritually (even if only a little bit) then I would recommend giving Diane a call.