
Working with Diane can be very different from other, what you might call “main stream”, coaching experiences. With an open mind though, I found it very effective. Diane asked simple but deep questions and used space and sound (amongst other things, I’m sure) to help me achieve results.

An open mind was important: whilst my conscious mind still screamed “this can’t work”. What working with Diane allowed me to do was to go deeper and inside and work at a fundamental level that will underpin my success in the future. Although it’s hard to articulate, I have gained a deeper knowing about myself and what I can allow myself to achieve.

Working with Diane has increased my sense of deeper purpose and helped me gain confidence to move forward in the direction I want to go with confidence and, most importantly, authenticity.

Dave CordleCareer and Business Development Coach

When I think of Diane’s coaching, I have the image of an engaging balance between the 4 elements:

Water empathy:
Imagine coming to somebody with whom you feel that each and every bit of her being is listening to you. Not criticized nor judged, suddenly you feel safe to be all you are:
e.g. a real mess full of interrogations with your life…(“It’s fine” she says).

Air versatility and creativity:
How cool is to be guided in a land where each session is a brand new world. Diane juggles with an impressive repertoire of expertise: NLP, Hypnotherapy, time line therapy, shamanic insights…and much more. Nothing pre-organised just the very method that suits this very you, and flows with this very moment.

Earth grounding and persistence:
Reality, harsh reality?
In a practical and grounded fashion Diane points out the inner shadows you want to avoid, finding an unexpected light in the dark; new directions more realistic and compassionate, respecting all that you are. (“Shadow is fine” she says.)
Piece of advice: do not try to escape the questions; she’ll persevere until you spit out everything…arshh!

Fire action:
“How do you get on with it? When? What time do you mean exactly?”
Get ready for these, hum, pleasant enquiry.
Starting from the place where you are now, you’ll suddenly find yourself in a new strange position where more than just scheduling a plan you end up just doing it.

I feel a massive gratitude to this magical enabler.
Thanks to you I have just met and I’m now learning to appreciate the wisest person in my life: Myself.


My healing session with Diane via Skype was a very powerful experience. It was extraordinary how we could both feel the energy working (though in other ways not at all surprising really).  Diane helped me identify some very deeply buried feelings and emotions about an old event that needed clearing. i didn’t write notes as such as I was so much involved in the experience but I wrote down the words ‘close the book’. The visualisation Diane took me through helped me do just that, emerging feeling washed clean and with a sense of release and balance. I would highly recommend Diane to anyone who feels drawn to her unique way of helping others.

Mary Lunnen